Deliver Better Customer Service Experiences with Copilot for Microsoft 365


In today’s dynamic business landscape, exceptional customer service plays a pivotal role.  Customers expect prompt, accurate, and personalised responses to their queries with 73% of consumers will switch to a competitor after multiple bad experiences. Copilot for Microsoft 365 is a powerful tool that empowers customer service departments to elevate their interactions with customers.

Let’s delve into how Copilot can revolutionise your customer service experiences.

Advantages of Copilot for Microsoft 365 in Customer Service Departments

Copilot accelerates response times by providing intelligent suggestions. Customer service agents can swiftly address common queries without spending excessive time searching for information. Copilot can also ensure uniform messaging across customer interactions, whether it’s via email, chat, or social media. The tone and accuracy remain consistent.

How Customer Service Departments Can Leverage Copilot for Microsoft 365

1. Swift Responses to Common Queries

When customers pose routine questions, Copilot suggests relevant responses. Agents can customise these suggestions to maintain a personal touch.

This is possible by using existing product manuals and process documents as the context for ongoing prompts. This allows agents to use the same questions that customers are asking them as prompts and receiving an accurate response within seconds.

Example prompt: If the light on [product name] is blinking red twice, then white four times, what does this error code mean? And how can this be fixed?

2. Concise Email Chain Summaries

Copilot condenses lengthy email threads into succinct summaries. Copilot in Outlook simplifies the process of summarising lengthy email threads. Copilot will scan the entire email conversation, identifying essential points and relevant details. It then generates a concise summary that captures the main highlights of the thread making it easier for you to extract key information.

Customer service reps can quickly grasp context and provide accurate follow-up. This is particularly useful when cases are passed between multiple agents when there is already a conversation that has taken place.

Example prompt: Summarise the email chain.

3. Analyse Feedback Sentiment

6 in 10 customer service agents say a lack of consumer data often causes negative experiences. Copilot identifies sentiment trends in customer feedback. This data is extremely valuable, and the insights can be used to enhance processes and effectively address pain points.

Feedback sentiment analysis can be completed on any text that is within the Microsoft ecosystem. This includes everything from Teams call transcripts to survey responses exported from Microsoft Forms.

Example prompt: What was the sentiment of this call and did the caller leave the conversation well informed?

4. Simplify Knowledge Base Article Creation

Agents can collaborate with Copilot to create informative knowledge base articles. These resources empower customers to find answers independently.

As Copilot has access to all data within an environment it is possible to ask natural language prompts about specific customer problems, and even use existing documentation to create knowledgebase articles. If the content written using language or a tone that wouldn’t be easily comprehended by customers, employees can simple prompt Copilot to adjust the tone and language accordingly.

Example prompt: Create a knowledgebase article explaining how to create new users in [product name], without using technical jargon.

5. Craft Better Customer Surveys

Leverage Copilot’s assistance in designing impactful surveys. Gather insights and enhance services based on customer preferences.

When creating surveys it can be difficult to know the right questions to ask to get the required insights Even once the questions have been created, they need to be checked for bias to ensure that customers are sharing their honest opinions.

Copilot can help with both creating the questions, as well as checking them for bias, which increases agility and allows businesses to gather feedback effectively and quickly.

Example prompt: Create 6 unbiased survey questions to find out customer’s honest opinions on [product name].

6. Streamline Account Management

Copilot assists with account-related tasks, from initial setup to troubleshooting. Agents can efficiently handle account inquiries.

Businesses, their products and processes are extremely complex and it is difficult for agents to have an in-depth understanding of everything a customer may ask. Whilst it is possible to hand the customer over to another department, using Copilot for information retrieval can create more streamlined customer experience, as even first line customer service agents can use Copilot to answer more difficult questions.

Account Managers can also summarise all previous communications to make sure they are prepared for monthly account management calls.

Example prompt: Summarise all Teams and Outlook communications with [customer name] over the past month.

7. A Single Solution Across Multiple Regions

With Copilot’s multilingual capabilities, agents across multiple regions can use Copilot to assist in delivering exceptional customer experiences.

For chat-based, they can prompt in their preferred language, and then create another prompt to translate it into the native language of the customer. This is particularly useful for creating FAQs and knowledgebase articles as it is simple to draft a document and translate it into all required languages.

Note: Copilot is currently available in several languages to cater to a diverse user base. Here’s the list of supported languages: English (US, GB, AU, CA, IN) Spanish (ES, MX) Japanese French (FR, CA) German Portuguese (BR) Italian Chinese Simplified, additional languages may be added in the future to enhance its capabilities.

Example prompt: Create an FAQ document based on/[file name]
Translate this to [language]

Ready to Begin?

Empower your customer service team with Copilot for Microsoft 365. Unlock efficiency, consistency, and improved customer experiences. Whether you’re handling inquiries, resolving issues, or enhancing self-service options, Copilot is your trusted ally. Contact us today to get started.


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